British Defence Laison Staff Ottawa

Welcome to the British Defence
Liaison Staff (BDLS) Ottawa
Information Portal

Canada is rightly a popular assignment location for UK Defence Staff and their families, but not without its challenges if you arrive uninformed or under prepared. This website is maintained by the BDLS team to provide you with all the information and advice we have on planning your move to Canada, enjoying your time here and helping you relocate to your next posting.

There is a lot of detail in this site; topics include visas, work permits, housing, health care, schooling, getting and insuring a car, pet travel and many more. Our advice is not to attempt to take it all in at once, but to keep returning to the site whenever you have questions and to use the search function if you can’t find what you need at first glance.

Although the BDLS team is here to help, there are limits to how many emails and calls our small team can answer. We therefore ask that you take responsibility for your welfare and comfort just as you would in the UK; enjoying a stress free transition to and from Canadian life will require careful planning and research on your part. Finally, congratulations and welcome to the UK in Canada Defence network!