British Defence Laison Staff Ottawa

British Defence Liaison Staff Ottawa / During / Admin



Ensure that your family have a physical or virtual JCCC card and know to ring the number in the event of a family emergency. Service Personnel must ensure their location and contact details are correctly recorded for leave and respite purposes on JPA so that JCCC can expedite any repatriation.

Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre (JCCC) – GOV.UK (

Canada is vast and in the event of a family bereavement, illness or other emergency JCCC need to know where you are in order to facilitate your repatriation. Please contact the Warrant Officer 2 in BDLS for JCCC matters.

PJHQ Overseas Deployment

In the event your Canadian Chain of Command deploys you on a named operation or visit to a named operation you must complete a PJHQ risk assessment proforma via the BDLS COS at the earliest opportunity.

PJHQ own the risk for any EO deployments outside of their home station location. This includes theatre visits, recces, Domestic Operations (fire fighting, floods and snow) and full length operational tours.

Getting Married Abroad

If you intend to marry during your tour of duty outside of the UK you will need to obtain certain documents from the UK Government.

Getting married or registering a civil partnership abroad – GOV.UK (

Whilst the majority of EOs will either be single or married for the duration of their tour of duty there exists the possibility of romantic interactions with a Canadian national.

Voting whilst abroad

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Voting if you move or live abroad – GOV.UK (
Register to vote – GOV.UK (

UK elections can occur at without much warning and EOs are at risk of being disenfranchised if they have not put distance voting processes in place.

Annual Appraisals

Ensure you sit down and explain the nuances of your service’s reporting system to your Canadian Chain of Command. This should include the minimum of:
1) Objective setting for the reporting period
2) Mid Period Appraisal Report (using progress against objectives, your roles and responsibilities and performance attributes)
3) The SJAR/OJAR format, performance and potential grading and how to circulate the report between Canadian and British Reporting Officers.

The Canadian MS system is not the same as the UK. Your immediate superior is unlikely to have reported on a British EO more than once in their whole career. If you don’t engage in the process there is a real risk of having an unsatisfactory appraisal arrive at the end of the year. The EO & Visits Annual Appraisals will be sent out to all Exchange Officer’s in Feb/March each year by the BDLS but you should have primed your chain of command way before this.

Tracking Leave

Ensure your leave is accurately recorded on JPA to help JCCC locate you in an emergency. In addition you should avoid building up a large leave surplus through inaccurate recording. You may also be required to record leave on the Canadian system – though this is more of a formality.

CAF members normally have around 5 weeks leave compared to 7 weeks for UK personnel. It is important to keep on top of leave taken to prevent a large surfeit of leave on your return to the UK, which may be wiped down to 15 days by your new Chain of Command.