British Defence Laison Staff Ottawa

British Defence Liaison Staff Ottawa / Pre-Arrival / Possessions


Shipping, Storage & Insurance

Shipment of Personal Effect On Assignment

The movement of Personal effects allowance and entitlements are available from JSP 800 and your local RAO/UPO/PSF. The Government Freight Agent (GFA), currently Agility Logistics Limited, moves personal effects by sea. The delivery time is generally 6-8 weeks. All Personal Effect should be addressed to yourself at your Canadian Forces Base (CFB). Do not worry if you don’t have a final house address at this stage since onward addresses will be added by the GFA.

For Canada, a full removals service is provided. This means that all your entitled possessions will be packed by the GFA contractor who will also provide all the packaging materials and boxes. You should bring with you all the normal domestic accoutrements (cutlery, crockery, cookware, etc) as none of this is provided in your PMQ or through the OFPS. You may wish to bring your own bedding although bed and duvet sizes are different in Canada but you can purchase soft furnishings on your arrival. The BDLS Finance Administrator will provide you with the items available to buy and the relevant application forms including max spend.

Please note that children’s car safety seats manufactured and sold in the UK are not legal in Canada.

Contact details for Agility are:
Tel: 0844 282 1465
Fax: 0844 282 1468

On booking, Agility will nominate a local Canadian Agent and give you contact information so you can arrange collection once the baggage arrives.

More information can be found at:

Baggage in Transit.
The MOD is not responsible for loss or damage to your possessions in transit or for any delays in their arrival at your new address. You are strongly advised to take out adequate insurance for your personal belongings. An element has been included within Disturbance Allowance for the extra expense incurred in insuring personal belongings on posting. Single personnel may claim an insurance allowance if they are able to demonstrate that they have taken additional insurance cover for a posting or if they have an annual policy that includes an element for the transit of personal belongings. Check with your insurance provider prior to departing the UK regarding eligibility.

Unaccompanied Baggage

Unaccompanied Baggage.
(not to be confused with freight that Agility organises)
Individual unaccompanied baggage allowance and entitlements are available from JSP 800 Vol 3 Leaflet 22, 2020DIN03-021 Customs Clearance of Unaccompanied Baggage and your local RAO/UPO/PSF.

Unaccompanied baggage means for example suitcases that are sent separate from the Service Person (SP). An example (although not exclusive) of when to use this service is below:

a. Compassionate return of Service Person from theatre with hand-luggage only.